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Message of the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection On the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day
Various countries of the world celebrates the International World Intellectual Property Day in 26 April of each year, this occasion allow us today to think about the meanings and the indications of intellectual property.
We in the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection and in continuation of the steps taken by joining a group of international treaties and conventions in the field of intellectual property protection and the issuance of the law no 8 regulating the protection of marks ,industrial designs and geographical indications, we seek to continue our work to promote the culture of intellectual property, which includes initiatives to all sectors ranging from schoolchildren with emphasis on youth, which requires them to provide the appropriate environment for creative and innovative energies of young people to give and to interact with life and turn ideas into economic value, the organization of Syrian Fair for Invention & Innovation also encourage theses activities .
In year we will organize the regional seminar on the investments of inventions in cooperation with Islamic bank of development ,this seminar will emphasize the link between the invention and the investment and will show the international experience in this field