About SPO

Introduction: The provisions governing for the industrial and commercial protection applicable today in Syria is:

(1) Legislative Decree No. 47 in 1946 and its amendments in 1980. And Legislative Decree No. 8 of 1993 that include amend consequent fees of the procedures contained in Legislative Decree No:47 and defined by Article / 1 / and / / 2 of the Act No. 28 in 1980.
(2) Paris Convention of 1883 and its amendments in Stockholm in 1967, and joined by the country under Decree No. / 11 / 2002.

(3) Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on that concluded in 1891 and its amendments in London 1934.
The Legislative Decree No. 11 of 2003 on the Accession of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Patent Cooperation Treaty, which come into force on 26 / 6 / 2003.

Legislative Decree No. 92 of 2004 on the accession of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol of international registration of trademarks. Syria has acceded to the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Organization (WIPO) in 2004
.Beside that, the law No 8 concerning the trademarks and industrial designs and geographical indications protection .
Now the directorate is subservient for the Ministry of Economy and Trade following the merger of the Ministries of Economy and Foreign Trade, Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade.

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