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الأخبار والانشطة :برنامج تعليمي الكتروني للبحث عن معلومات البراءات

المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية تطلق برنامجا تعليميا الكترونيا عن استخدام واستثمار معلومات البراءات
e-Tutorial on Using and Exploiting Patent information
Collections of patent documents across the world contain a wealth of technology information. These are an invaluable resource for research and development. But finding the specific information you want in patent databases can be a challenge.
In order to help innovators navigate this vast store of technical information WIPO has produced a free
, interactive e-tutorial on how to use and exploit patent information.
The e-tutorial comprises three sections on:
·         Patent Basics
·         Patent Search and Retrieval, and
·         Patent Analysis.
Each section contains interactive tutorials followed by story-based exercises to help you put the theory into practice.
The e-tutorial can be used either by individuals, or to support group training for users with competency levels ranging from basic to intermediate, including students and researchers, small and medium business entrepreneurs, and policy makers. It will also complement onsite training given within the framework of the WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) program.
You can access the e-tutorial online or contact us to request a CD-ROM.

عودة إلى قسم الأخبار والانشطة

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استعراض النتائج

جميع الحقوق محفوظة - مكتب البراءات السوري -
تصميم وبرمجة المنهل لحلول الانترنت